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Washington-Caldwell School District's PBIS mission is to foster and promote a safe, positive school environment that enhances student learning through recognizing and teaching positive behavior.

What is PBIS?  

PBIS is Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.  It is a school-wide approach to discipline, establishing expectations, and developing a process to create a safe and more effective school.

What does PBIS look like at Washington-Caldwell?

PBIS is evident at WashCald.  All students and staff practice being respectful, responsible, and safe every day.  There are posters throughout the building to act as reminders of how to behave in each area of the school.

What are the PBIS expectations?

Teachers present the documents linked below to students throughout the year.  Each matrix is displayed in the classrooms and have also been made into flip charts for easy reference.

~  Link to All School PBIS Matrix ~

~  Link to Classroom PBIS Matrix ~

What happens if a student does not follow expectations?

Teachers follow the Major/Minor Pathway.

~ Link to Major/Minor Pathway ~

How long has WashCald been doing PBIS?

We have been doing PBIS for many years.

What is the PBIS KickOff and Refresher events?

Every year in September, we kick off PBIS with a half day learning station activity for all students.  It is great for new students and a perfect reminder for returning students.  We also hold refresher events as needed.

How are students recognized for positive behavior?

Students earn Stargazing Awards when they are being respectful, responsible, and safe.  These awards are given out on a daily basis.  Student names are announced on the morning announcements.

There is a monthly PBIS/Stargazing Assembly.  The entire student body gathers in the gym for announcements and special drawings for three Students of the Months (4K-2, 3-5, 6-8). Student of the Month winners get a 'congratulations' yard sign to keep in their yard. The PTO awards each Student of the Month with a lunch as well as having their picture on the Wall of Fame for the next month.  Three runner-up students from each group are also chosen and receive a snack coupon.

How is behavior data collected?

Teachers collect data on behaviors through Google Forms.  We then use this data at weekly meetings to decide which new or refresher activities that students need to be successful.

What are Cool Tools?

Cool Tools are quick lessons that teachers present to students on how to be respectful, responsible, and safe in different situations or locations of the building.

How is PBIS managed at Washington-Caldwell?

There is a PBIS committee of teachers and staff who lead the school in this endeavor.

Members include:

  • Mrs. Borchardt
  • Mrs. Keuler
  • Mr. McCormick
  • Mr. Saunders
  • Mrs. Stephens
  • Mr. Thompson
  • Ms. Vogt

There are weekly committee meetings as well as monthly all staff meetings.

PBIS Silver Award

Recognized by the Wisconsin RtI Center for efforts to implement an equitable system of support for behavior at the SILVER Level.